Sunday, May 4, 2008

Moving out

Finals week, a week of stress, stress, and more stress. The class work might not be the most stressful thing for students; I think it is the moving out that is the hardest. When I came here I didn’t know anyone, then I met people and now that we are going our separate ways, it is hard to say goodbye. I know people who are transferring schools and I will miss them because I will probably never see them again. Some students are lucky because they can leave as early as Monday, me well, i'm with the last group, and I leave on Thursday. After living here for so long, it’s hard to say goodbye to a place where you have lived for so long, but that’s life.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Weekend

Housekeeping at the inn on campus was an experience. I spent a total of 12 hours working at the Inn, (I didn’t get paid either) each shift was 4 hours long and I had to do the shifts on weekends because the time offered was 10am to 2pm and I have classes during those times. I really think the work wasn’t worth it. Doing laundry for 4 hours one day, cleaning public areas for 4 hours, and then cleaning rooms for 4 hours? Really annoying and pointless in my opinion. What a great way to waste my weekend. I’m not even the HRM program anymore, this stuff made me lose my interest in hotels, I still enjoy restaurants, but the program here is more hotel than restaurant, which is the main reason I changed my major.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Homework 4-22-08

Ok, the movie topic that I was assigned to was gender roles. I did notice that women were portrayed as the typical household wife from the time era. I also noticed that when they were trying to clean the car, they kept mentioning about the wife and how to get their job done before the wife came home. I really dont know what our teacher is talking about with Tarantino style. I think its you see a little bit of the end before the beginning and then it goes backwards through the movie. I dont like this because I was very VERY confused. I have no idea what the whole movie was about, it jumped way too much.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Ok, when we need to search for stuff on the web, we go to a search engine. I use Google the most. I don’t use any other search engine because I never think about them. Does anyone else use any other search engines first? I would like to see a survey of this done. Any volunteers?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm not really sure what it was but her goes nothing.
I got this paragraph here. NYC's calories-on-menus law upheld.

NEW YORK (AP) — New York City health officials won a big victory Wednesday when a federal judge upheld a regulation requiring some chain restaurants to post calories on menus.

In New York City, the health department won a battle concerning posting calories on menus.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guitar Hero 3

Ok, now this is one fun game. Becoming a rock legend and playing some pretty good songs (some of them I have never heard of before.) First tip that I learned from playing the game, start on easy difficulty…. Second, take breaks every now and then because YOU WILL get tired. Third, have fun. Over time your skills will improve (I am now on hard difficulty and my roommate is on medium.) I know for some people this just is not one of the games they can play due to the hand eye coordination. I found this video on YouTube and I just was shocked at the difficulty of Through the fire and Flames. Watch it and be amazed….

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Counting down the days….

Alright so here we are, roughly 5 weeks fro the end of the school year. This semester went by a lot faster than Fall 2007. At the same time you fall into this daze where you live day by day and you sometimes wonder “How did I get here?” Thinking about everything you need to do before the year ends (papers, projects, homework) and as the clock goes down, the stress level goes up. RELAX people! DON’T PANIC! I will not waste your time with something to increase motivation. You know what works best for you. Only a few weeks left, you can do it!