Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Weekend

Housekeeping at the inn on campus was an experience. I spent a total of 12 hours working at the Inn, (I didn’t get paid either) each shift was 4 hours long and I had to do the shifts on weekends because the time offered was 10am to 2pm and I have classes during those times. I really think the work wasn’t worth it. Doing laundry for 4 hours one day, cleaning public areas for 4 hours, and then cleaning rooms for 4 hours? Really annoying and pointless in my opinion. What a great way to waste my weekend. I’m not even the HRM program anymore, this stuff made me lose my interest in hotels, I still enjoy restaurants, but the program here is more hotel than restaurant, which is the main reason I changed my major.


Cassie said...

ooo I don't think I'd like that too much, I mean if you got paid it wouldn't be bad but to not, yikes. What did you change your major to?

JWhitham89 said...

That is annoying but at least it showed you what you don't want to be doing. By the way. AWESOME presentation today!