Sunday, March 30, 2008

Is all natural juice worth the extra cost?

Over the past couple of weeks I decided to try Naked juice smoothies I have seen a lot of people drinking during this college year. I was first shocked at the price because in my opinion, it is expensive. The selection of flavors to me was impressive and reading the ingredients inside each one and noticing that they are all different in nutrition was fascinating to me. I was confused with some of the ingredients inside or what they call the boost inside, I haven’t heard of some of them, I looked them up online and my reaction was “why don’t they call it that?” because they switched to some unusual names. Overall, I like the product; I just wish it wasn’t so expensive.

1 comment:

Elisabeth Gawne said...

I absolutely looooove naked!!! Its true, it is pretty expensive, but I think it is worth the price for how amazing and how healthy it is. I cant drink a lot of juices because they make me feel sick, but thankfully, naked juice doesnt do that to me.