Saturday, March 1, 2008

My First Blog Post.....Ever

Witness the first ever posting of a blog made by me. Thanks for taking the time to read it. Now what to say….. I will talk about an internet cartoon that I really enjoy, it’s only 8 episodes long so far, but more will be added. I am talking about Unforgotten Realms, here is the link for it It’s about two friends playing a game that is a lot like Dungeons & Dragons. The language is about the equivalent of the T.V. show Family Guy and some of the scenes as well. The animation is very bad. It is more of listening to the story rather than watching it. If you know anything about Role Playing Games (RPG) then this will be a lot easier to understand. A really good friend showed me this and I was laughing so hard when I first saw these cartoons. Good luck on all of the midterms!

1 comment:

Dani said...

You weren't kidding when you said the animation was bad, but you were totally right about it being funny. I have friends that play D&D and watching them is like watching this. They can not get along at all, haha.